Friday 4 September 2015


When you think about innovation, do you think about big technological advances, silicon valleys and businesses with very big research and innovation budgets? Presumably, most people do (Hemlin et al, 2013). However, Richard Branson, author and founder of Virgin Group, believes that even miniature businesses such as popcorn vendors are capable of coming up with innovations. Richard Branson has proved that his postulates are correct by setting a precedent for entrepreneurs through his Virgin Group, which was a small business that became successful through its team’s innovative spirit which he spearheaded.
Outstandingly, Mr. Branson has been at the helm of promoting innovation throughout his life. In response to global warming, he has attempted to offers revolutionary and cheaper fuels through the Virgin Fuels. This shows his ability to observe and cultivate new change amid the changing environmental conditions to provide more environmental friendly consumption procedures. Additionally, Mr. Branson has made several world record attempts through his organization. His characteristic of being able to take risks is overwhelming. N 1985, in the spirit of Blue Riband, Richard Branson, through his “Virgin Atlantic Challenger” attempted to cross the Atlantic Ocean which ended up with his boat capsizing and being rescued to give up. Unwilling to give up, He succeeded in 1986, beating the world record with two hours in his “Virgin Atlantic Challenger II” and crossed the Atlantic in a hot air balloon the following year through the “Virgin Atlantic Flier” (Jackson, 1994).
The Virgin Group is considered as an organization driven by information and information due to his ability to associate, listen and collaborate with team members to engineer innovations. Rather than being stifled by top-level management, the Virgin Group is bottom heavy which has promoted innovation n the organization.
As an innovator introduces a new idea into the market, it is important to question that idea. Mr. Branson is very adaptable and flexible based on questioning his ideas. He notes that his first innovation, a magazine, became a global business due to his ability to question what the people wanted and adopting proposed changes and innovations. As an innovator, Mr. Branson is very self-confident. Attempting to cross the Atlantic Ocean through hot air balloons was not a very cozy and easy task but Richard Branson believed in his ideas and was in for it. Markedly, Mr. Branson also has the passion to work with people and build a strong team. This has been his foundation in fostering creativity within The Virgin Group. A number of years ago, Mr. Branson created the Branson Center of Innovation in Johannesburg. This center has fostered sharing of knowledge, expertise and networks between approximately 500 entrepreneurs around the world (Shavinina, 2006). He says, “You don’t need a big budget for a small business to innovate, all you need is some ambition and a good idea.”
  Mr. Branson has been an expert in relationship-management. As a result he has focused on keeping employees, franchisees, executives, vendors and board members all within his scope. He notes that businesses are most successful when entrepreneurs are able to connect with each stakeholder as an individual, not just as a transaction or order number. Mr. Branson is also a visionary evangelist who believes in communicating regularly with stakeholders on behalf of the organization to demonstrate confidence in the organization. In addition, he has been able to develop team work, employee motivation and commitment within the business (De Jong & Den Hartog, 2007). He writes a monthly letter to stakeholders informing them of the future plans of Virgin Group and includes home address and telephone for any suggestions, problems and ideas that may arise.
            Innovation is inevitable to developing organizations since it helps grow new and existing markets, increase stay connected and be at the leading edge (Carmeli et al, 2006). Nonetheless, one needs to develop the dimensions of leadership to effectively foster creativity.
·         Associating- This is the ability to hook up different ideas, questions and problems from unrelated fields. I would incorporate this in my professional life through involving all stakeholders i.e. employees, managers, executives etc in the innovation processes. This provides greater opportunities for discussions, experimentation and collaborative work in developing of ideas
·         Questioning- Right questions help get right answers. I will display this by being able to listen and willing to stick my neck out and ask the obvious questions such as “why?” “Why not?” “When?” “What if?” Additionally, developing an inquiring mind would allow me to begin innovating.
·         Experimenting- Innovation is considered viable after experimenting its benefits and functionality (Dobni, 2008). Outstandingly, the world is the innovation lab for any organization. To achieve this, I would present my ideas to sample such as students to test and measure its viability. This could be fostered by advertising in the target market, providing discounts on the product or even offer the innovative product for free.
·         Observing- To successfully introduce an innovative product, I would examine the existing phenomena and products. This would give me an opportunity to produce what people want – better! In addition, I would also study the behavioral changes of customers, employees and other stakeholders. This would be aided by developing a growth mindset which helps see the immediate environment as an opportunity for development.
·         Networking- To achieve this, I would develop and maintain strong relationships with diverse people to help me get different perspectives on new ideas. Finding the best people and delegating them to working on different ideas would help build a strong and reliable creativity network.
·         Cultivating new thinking- Markedly, I would depict this through continually thinking outside the box, looking at and examining ways to help the organization stand out from competitors. Additionally, associating with, coaching and training employees and other stakeholders would spread the same mentality throughout the organization.
·          Comfort with change- In my professional life, I would display this by being more flexible and adaptable to change. I would also reinvent and develop new brands for the organization. Moreover, I would also study changes in the market and our competitors to identify positive effects of change and incorporate them in my professional life and organization.
·         Risk tolerance- Studying and experimenting new ideas would characterize my professional life. Whatever the style or method, I would believe in myself in all ideas I embark in innovating. Furthermore, I would display this by preparing adequately and turning any adversities in my way into successes.
·         Collaboration- to effectively show this dimension of leadership, I would build a great team and believe in it. Additionally, I would reframe innovation into a teamwork and participatory process so as to engineer group-developed creative ideas. I would also build and maintain relationships, establish harmony and promote communication with stakeholders.

            Based on the self-assessment of how I would portray the dimensions of leadership the foster creativity, I have identified several areas which I need to work on to be a success.
·         To be a manager of execution. This means that I have to become at the forefront of innovation in my organization (De Jong & Den Hartog, 2007). This will be by being able to develop structured obligations, taking risks and collaborating with stakeholders. This will help people believe in the creative ideas by the organization. Rather than sitting and waiting for other organizations and people to innovate, I need to develop a growth mindset and spearhead innovation processes within the organization by being genuinely daring. Believing in others is yet another important facet on this dimension; I will need to trust and build on ideas of others rather than doubt and procrastinate on them.
·          To improve my confidence, determination and persistence on new ideas- As a future innovative leader, I will need to have a lot of faith in myself and attainment of innovation goals and visions for the organization. No matter the probable obstacles in such endeavors, I will need to be a risk-taker in cultivating new thinking and engineering change. A leader is a role model for the organization and therefore so as to be motivating to others, I will need to be more energetic, focused and overcome my fears. For example, Mr. Branson was dyslexic but that did not stop him from spearheading innovation in the Virgin Group (Jackson, 1994).
·         I will need to develop outstanding communication skills- Notably; communication is the foundation of innovation. I will need to consult and cooperate with customers and my people since most good innovative ideas lie within people’s experience- good or bad. I will need to consider current trends and feedback by customers and stakeholders by being an effective observer, listener and networker across all cultures. Being a good listener and eloquent speaker will be vital for me to listen and ask necessary questions. Noticeably, Mr. Branson has been able to make and maintain good relationship with people from all over the world such as South America and Africa without considering race, gender, language or social class.
·         Finally, I have identified the need to understand myself, know what I like and know what I am able to cope with. Mr. Branson thinks that business and innovation should be fun. This will keep me motivated into developing new ideas and make creating new ideas an exciting experience. Moreover, I will need to be honest to myself and others and admit shortcoming when they appear.
It is out of question for leaders to possess the aforementioned dimensions in their work and professional life (Martins & Terblanche, 2003). The need to identify and put into practice these dimensions has tremendous effect of the success of being an innovative leader. Giving advice on innovation, Richard Branson says, “Screw it, just get on and do it”. some dimensions which I consider most important for my future include: experimenting, networking, risk tolerance and comfort with change.
     To sum up, this paper has provided an in-depth analysis of qualities that a leader must have to foster creativity. While considering an innovative leader who has inspired me, the paper includes an assessment of characteristics that I need to work on to achieve my identified dimensions. Having developed the areas, I will successfully innovate my way to further success in my work and professional life.

Carmeli, A., Meitar, R., & Weisberg, J. (2006). Self-leadership skills and innovative behavior at work. International Journal of Manpower, 27(1), 75-90.
De Jong, J. P., & Den Hartog, D. N. (2007). How leaders influence employees' innovative behaviour. European Journal of innovation management, 10(1), 41-64.
Dobni, C. B. (2008). The DNA of innovation. Journal of Business Strategy, 29(2), 43-50.
Hemlin, S., Allwood, C., Martin, B. & Mumford, M. (2013). Creativity and Leadership in Science, Technology, and Innovation. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis.
Jackson, T. (1994). Virgin king: inside Richard Branson's business empire. HarperCollins.
Martins, E. C., & Terblanche, F. (2003). Building organisational culture that stimulates creativity and innovation. European journal of innovation management, 6(1), 64-74.
Shavinina, L. V. (2006). Microsocial factors in the development of entrepreneurial giftedness: the case of Richard Branson. High Ability Studies, 17(2), 225-235.

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