Friday 4 September 2015


            Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a common form of dementia that leads to impairment of memory and difficulties in judgment, discernment, logic and planning. Symptoms of this disease build up gradually and become worse in due course. Strikingly, they may still turn out to be brutal enough to hamper daily errands of the patient. The disease brings about obliteration of connections linking nerve cells over time and ultimately breakdown of brain tissues. Pearl posits that the AD was named after Alois Alzheimer, the doctor who initially explained it (32). Currently, the disease has no recognized cure although treatments for symptoms help slow the aggravation of its symptoms.
            Habitually, older people get the disease but it ought to be noted that AD is not an ordinary facet of aging. It is a consequence of two major forms of nerve damage. The primary kind of damage is neurofibrillary tangles where nerve cells get ‘tangles’. The second type of nerve damage involves build up of protein deposits called ‘senile plaques’ (Brill 15). These types of nerve damage bring about death of nerve cells over time and ultimately breakdown of brain tissues.
            Alzheimer’s disease is also caused by deficiency of various essential chemicals in the brain. This results in failure of efficient transmission of signals around the brain which is a core function of these chemical messengers. For that reason, a dearth of chemical messengers causes symptomatic effects of Alzheimer’s disease.
            According to Lee et al, age-related transformations of the brain explain why AD mainly strikes old people. Various scientists have explained that these changes such as inflammation, degeneration of various brain elements and mitochondrial dysfunction harms the neurons within the brain. This consequently causes Alzheimer’s damage (1539).
            To sum up, Alzheimer’s disease deprives people of their memory. Though scientists aren’t sure of its direct cause, they have attributed its symptoms to the abovementioned factors. Noticeably, these factors are accelerated by risk factors such as age, genetics, family history, heart health, way of life and sex.

Works Cited
Brill, Marlene T. Alzheimer's Disease. New York: Benchmark Books, 2005. Print.
Lee, Young-Jung, et al.  "Inflammation and Alzheimer’s disease."  Archives of pharmacal research 33.10 (2010): 1539-1556.
Perl, Daniel P. "Neuropathology of Alzheimer's disease." Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine: A Journal of Translational and Personalized Medicine 77.1 (2010): 32-42.

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